This stuff is addictive.  There are probably drugs in it.

Just kidding.  There are only tons of tasty stuff that's good for you, too.  I've been eating it a bunch lately and have #NoRagrets whatsoever.

Better yet, this is so tangy that it can be used on some of your strongest salad bases, such as my Completely Cruciferous Salad, to cut through the bitterness from all that kale!  You know what that means... you can trick people into eating kale.  Take that one to your food arsenal.

Tangy Tahini Dressing

Prep time: 3 minutes   Cook time: NONE   Total time: 3 minutes

Yield: 2 servings (for 2 meal-sized salads)



  1. Mix all ingredients together, whisking with a fork until that tahini is cut through and evenly combined with everything else.  
  2. Drizzle over & toss in a salad, like my Completely Cruciferous Salad, and watch as loved ones are shocked that they're eating dark leaves!
  3. Store in the fridge in a closed container up to a week.

2 Tbsp tahini

2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

Juice of 2/3 lemon

1/4 tsp garlic powder

1/4 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp black peppe