What are the best things to include in an immune-boosting juice?

I’m glad I asked for you.

My roommates and I have recently been playing around with an incredible juicer and we wanted to make sure that we stopped paying $4 a shot for the “immunity” ones at Whole Foods.

Anyway… it probably cost us $10 at most to make this juice at home, and we had enough for 2 of us to have a shto every morning for 2 weeks.


Talk about dumb spending.

We’ve been LOVING the better digestion, healthier guts and prevented seasonal allergies we’ve been experiencing with this so far.

DIY Immunity Juice cleanse shots

 DIY Immune-Boosting Juice Shots

Prep time: 10 minutes Yield: 1 pint (about 2 weeks’ worth of shots for 2 people)

