Paleovalley products

Paleovalley 100% Grass-fed Beef Sticks are the BEST Keto, Paleo, non-GMO, Organic snacks around.

This is an update as of October 2017. 

The original review was for Paleovalley's first product line, which has now expanded.  

That is included at the bottom of this page.

Paleovalley is a website I stumbled upon by chance via Instagram (shocker) a while ago.  (i.e. in like, 2014 or 2015)

After looking through their website, I knew they were a company committed to providing products and information of the highest quality, with large sights to grow and make their services as easily available as junk food currently is.  

Paleovalley is a "small company with a big heart."

The co-founders are a husband and wife duo who discovered the Paleo diet and used it as a way to thrive amongst digestion issues.  

At first, they just wanted to share information.  But then they realized that there just weren't very many products available that fit their health standards.

So, they invented some.

Their goal is to always keep health the priority over all else, even profit.

This is a lofty goal, but they are quickly growing and on their way to achieving it!

Currently, Paleovalley offers several cookbooks, including a 31-Day Paleo Diet Kickstart to help those new to this way of eating ease into the transition and learn what it feels like to truly be healthy.

On top of this and other reading materials, Paleovalley also sells several food products.  

The two that I was lucky enough to try and review below were the 100% Grassfed Beef Snack Stick and their brand-new Superfood Bar.  

They also sell Grassfed Whey Protein.

Here are the latest Beef Stick products from 2017:

First, a note on these guys.

Each of the beef stick flavors is 100% grass-fed, with only organic spices.

If that weren't good enough already, these sausages are naturally fermented.

That means they throw some probiotic benefits for the gut in there, too!

How many other sausage snacks out there do that?

I haven't seen any!

The care taken into these products is apparent, and if you scroll past these new reviews to the old one, you can see a little bit how this company has evolved over the past few years.

It makes my heart happy to see them continuing to thrive. :)

Original Grass Fed Beef Stick

The Original Paleovalley sausage is a great flavor base to have as their “original!”

Does that even make sense?

I always feel that companies use the original as their flavor “base” to build off of for all the other flavors.

Maybe I’m wrong.  I’m not a food production company.

But that’s how this flavor feels, and it’s akin to “original” flavors of beef jerky.

Nothing crazy, but definitely savory and hunger-satiating.  

And includes some tasty black pepper notes!

I was never interested in the quality of my sausage snacks growing up.  

But the flavor of this one for sure reminded me of the less-healthy sausages that I used to chomp on during road trips - without the crap!

Well done on this!

Rating: 8/10

Ingredients: 100% grass fed beef, water, unprocessed sea salt, organic dextrose from tapioca (used to initiate the fermentation process), celery juice, organic black pepper, organic red pepper, organic garlic powder, organic coriander, lactic acid starter culture from non-GMO beets, wrapped in a dye-free collagen casing.

Jalapeño Grass Fed Beef Stick

This could for sure be my inner Texan talking.

But things need to be hot to impress me… especially if they’re being touted for their jalapeño content.

And this one does have a kick to it.

But not as much as I’d like.

If you’re a spice wimp, this would be a good way to work up your tolerance.
Otherwise, you probably won’t get much heat from it.

It’s pretty much the Original with some flecks of hot pepper in it.

It doesn’t taste bad, but the spice definitely needs to be stronger.

Rating: 5/10

Ingredients: 100% grass fed beef, water, unprocessed sea salt, organic dextrose from tapioca (used to initiate the fermentation process), celery juice, organic jalapeño powder, organic chopped jalapeño, organic black pepper, organic red pepper, organic garlic powder, organic coriander, lactic acid starter culture from non-GMO beets, wrapped in a dye-free collagen casing.

Summer Sausage Grass Fed Beef Stick

This one was interesting, for sure!

I don’t really know how to describe it, other than “exactly as you expect summer sausage to taste like.”

Growing up, I remember having summer sausage sliced up with some cheese and crackers by the pool.

This tastes JUST like that.

No crazy flavor surprises. 

Not spicy, but not sweet.  Just a savory flavor that I would call umami, except for the fact that it’s not exactly that, either.

It’s just…. good!

I’m sure it would pair easily with a lot of stuff.

And Paleovalley’s summer sausage would for sure be a cleaner alternative to the traditional kind, which is packed with nasty preservatives.  Even gluten.   Ew.

This is definitely a flavor to have on-hand!

Rating: 8/10

Ingredients: 100% grass fed beef, water, unprocessed sea salt, organic dextrose from tapioca (used to initiate the fermentation process), celery juice, organic allspice, organic coriander, organic nutmeg, organic white pepper, organic black pepper, organic mustard seed, organic paprika, lactic acid starter culture from non-GMO beets, wrapped in a dye-free collagen casing.

Garlic Summer Sausage Grass Fed Beef Stick

I’m a garlic fiend. 

That being said… this is my favorite of the 4 sausage flavors I tried.

I was right about the Original being the flavor base for the rest of the products.  

So this one took it up a notch, adding my favorite seasoning into an already-solid Original flavor.

The garlic isn’t overwhelming.  It’s just right.

And I can definitely appreciate some good garlic breath from a tasty snack like this!

Rating: 9/10

Give this one a try!

Ingredients: 100% grass fed beef, water, unprocessed sea salt, organic dextrose from tapioca (used to initiate the fermentation process), celery juice, organic allspice, organic coriander, organic nutmeg, organic white pepper, organic black pepper, organic mustard seed, organic paprika, organic garlic powder, lactic acid starter culture from non-GMO beets, wrapped in a dye-free collagen casing.

Here is the original review, from somewhere in 2014-15:

Paleo Superfood Bar

I was super pumped when I received my box from Paleovalley and saw that they sent me TWO (2!!!) of their brand-new Superfood Bars. 

The flavor is Dark Chocolate, which is another weakness of mine.  

My sweet tooth is huge... unfortunately, my tolerance for high sugar content is not.  

But these bars pack a huge punch in the way of how many great ingredients go into them!  

There is a nice balance between fat, carbs, and protein to give you an energy boost and numerous micro mineral sources brought to you, again, from the quality mix of ingredients.

As far as texture goes, they are similar to most other bars that use dates as their base.  Sticky, but easy to break apart.  

Taking a bite is soft and would probably be easy for someone missing a few teeth to eat!  

The flavor was not really strong in the Dark Chocolate category.  

It was sweet, sure, but it really is hard to cover up that date, caramel-like flavor.  

I would say it could be sold more easily as a general fruit superfood flavor with some added cacao for the health benefits, but not so much for actual flavor.  

Overall, they are enjoyable and a good pick-me-up when you're in a pinch!

Rating: 7 out of 10

Ingredients: Organic cashews, organic wildflower honey, organic pumpkin seeds, organic dates, organic cacao, organic flax seeds, organic sunflower seeds, organic coconut butter, organic chia seeds, organic vanilla, organic goji berries, organic hemp seeds, unrefined sea salt, organic blueberries, organic spirulina, organic chlorella, organic acerola cherry.

Beef Snack Sticks

Paleovalley Beef Snack Sticks.  These babies are where it's at!  

I could not believe the flavor when I tried them.  

If you ever had a slightly-shameful-but-still-okay-because-everyone-does love for Slim Jims, you will be in heaven with this product.  

I honestly thought I was eating a Slim Jim at first.  And in my case, that is a very good thing!  

The beef used to make these is:

- 100% Grass-fed, with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, CLA, and Vitamins A, B, &E than grain-fed beef.

- Never given antibiotics or hormones.

- Gluten, soy, and sugar-free.

- No artificial nitrites or nitrates.

- Non-GMO


Okay, I'll stop yelling now.  But seriously, treat yo'self to this product.

Rating: 10 out of 10

Ingredients: 100% grassfed beef, water, sea salt, organic dextrose from tapiocha, celery juice, organic black pepper, organic red pepper, organic garlic powder, organic coriander, lactic acid starter culture, stuffed in a dye-free collagen casing.

If you would like to buy any Paleovalley products, click here.